Welcome To

Redeemed Decor

My name is Shaunna Coit. I am the owner of Redeemed Decor. I bought my first fixer-upper house at 19 years old. When you are 19 years old, you are fearless! So I learned to rip out floors, switch out cabinetry, change light fixtures, repair drywall, build decks, paint, and decorate on a budget. This was all before Pinterest or YouTube so I had to learn by trial and error.

I quickly gained a love for all things related to home decor, DIY, building, and crafting. I was a Sheriff's Deputy in California for 15 years. I was injured on the job and medically retired in 2007. That gave me the opportunity to stay home with my 2 boys. That was a blessing that I will always be grateful for. As my boys got older, I began building furniture and rustic decor. I also hosted DIY craft parties in my home. I decided to open a retail shop in 2016. The reception in our community was amazing.

We outgrew our first location in 6 months. I was blessed from the very beginning with amazing employees who helped the business grow quicker than I ever imagined. We built over 600 pieces of custom furniture and hosted over 3000 people in our workshops in our first year of business. I am so thankful that I am able to share my gifts and creative talents with so many people. I pray daily that I am able to get out of my own way and follow the path that the Lord has planned for Redeemed Decor. I am so happy that you are following along with us on our journey!

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About Redeemed Decor

My name is Shaunna Coit. I am the owner of Redeemed Decor. I bought my first fixer-upper house at 19 years old. When you are 19 years old, you are fearless! So I learned to rip out floors, switch out cabinetry, change light fixtures, repair drywall, build decks, paint, and decorate on a budget. This was all before Pinterest or YouTube so I had to learn by trial and error.

I quickly gained a love for all things related to home decor, DIY, building, and crafting. I was a Sheriff's Deputy in California for 15 years. I was injured on the job and medically retired in 2007. That gave me the opportunity to stay home with my 2 boys. That was a blessing that I will always be grateful for. As my boys got older, I began building furniture and rustic decor. I also hosted DIY craft parties in my home. I decided to open a retail shop in 2016. The reception in our community was amazing.

We outgrew our first location in 6 months. I was blessed from the very beginning with amazing employees who helped the business grow quicker than I ever imagined. We built over 600 pieces of custom furniture and hosted over 3000 people in our workshops in our first year of business. I am so thankful that I am able to share my gifts and creative talents with so many people. I pray daily that I am able to get out of my own way and follow the path that the Lord has planned for Redeemed Decor. I am so happy that you are following along with us on our journey!