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Mana Resources

Mana is a Hawaiian word meaning inner-strength or power. Our Mana ohana helps our community through programs & services that assist individuals and families in identifying and building upon their own Mana, supporting recovery, resiliency, and empowerment.

Mana Services began in 2008 to assist at-risk youth with transitional housing and the training they need to successfully live on their own. Mana Services has transitioned over 200 at-risk youth and that number grows as we continue this journey.

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About Mana Resources

Mana is a Hawaiian word meaning inner-strength or power. Our Mana ohana helps our community through programs & services that assist individuals and families in identifying and building upon their own Mana, supporting recovery, resiliency, and empowerment.

Mana Services began in 2008 to assist at-risk youth with transitional housing and the training they need to successfully live on their own. Mana Services has transitioned over 200 at-risk youth and that number grows as we continue this journey.