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La Poderosa 104.7 FM

The most powerful radio station in Northeast Sonora that can broadcast into Cochise County and Tucson. It also has sister radio stations in Nogales, Hermosillo, Obregon, and Navojoa, Sonora as in the state of Chihuahua.

The frequency that makes radio and more, La Poderosa 104.7 FM, one more Radiorama station.

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Tucson Hispanic Marketplace

About La Poderosa 104.7 FM

The most powerful radio station in Northeast Sonora that can broadcast into Cochise County and Tucson. It also has sister radio stations in Nogales, Hermosillo, Obregon, and Navojoa, Sonora as in the state of Chihuahua.

The frequency that makes radio and more, La Poderosa 104.7 FM, one more Radiorama station.