Age UK Wandsworth

About Age UK Wandsworth

Age UK Wandsworth

Age UK Wandsworth is an independent, local charity with a small, experienced staff team and a network of dedicated volunteers, working with and for older people in the borough. Throughout our six decades of operation, helping older people to stay independent at home for as long as they wish to has been at the forefront of what we do.

One thing that has remained a constant throughout the last six decades is our staff, volunteers, and supporters’ passion for helping older people in the borough to stay healthy, happy, and well. We now operate a wide range of free or low-cost services that assist thousands of people every year, whether that is through supporting an unpaid carer to claim money that they didn’t know they were eligible for, fitting handrails in the home of someone who has been discharged from hospital to reduce their risk of falling or providing specialist dementia care to an older person at our day center, to name a few.

"Age UK Wandsworth staff have helped me and my service users in so many different situations: the Handyperson service, Hospital Discharge Support, Befriending services, and even Online Food Shopping. All of these services are absolutely essential and I don't know how my team would manage without this provision in place. Furthermore, the staff is absolutely great and always available to help. Thank you for everything you do!" - Wandsworth Occupational Therapist

Here's What We Offer

Age UK Wandsworth is a proud part of

Wandsworth Community Marketplace (United Kingdom)

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