Children First Center

About Children First Center

Children First Center

Children First Center, headquartered in Auburn, Indiana, is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing optimal beginnings for every child, family, and community within its reach. Committed to making a meaningful impact, we recognize that some individuals may benefit from an extra pair of caring hands or the guidance of bright minds. Through a comprehensive array of services spanning intervention, prevention, and preservation, we aim to cultivate healthier children, foster happier families, and contribute to the resilience of communities.

Our mission at Children First Center revolves around a steadfast commitment to prioritizing the well-being of children. By offering tailored support and services, we strive to create an environment that not only meets immediate needs but also lays the groundwork for a brighter future. Join us in this collective endeavor to nurture the growth of stronger, more vibrant communities where each child can thrive, every family can find happiness, and the well-being of all remains at the forefront of our purpose.

Here's What We Offer

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LaGrange County Chamber of Commerce

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