University of Dubuque LIFE - Meridian

About University of Dubuque LIFE - Meridian

At University of Dubuque, we understand that life happens. As working adults, the cost and convenience of furthering your education can be your two biggest roadblocksbut we have an easy solution. University of Dubuque LIFE (Learning Institute for Fulfillment and Engagement) was designed specifically for adult learners like you who want a quality, face-to-face education without sacrificing time spent with your family and/or career.

The benefits of our LIFE program makes the decision on whether its time to go back to school, easy. A few of LIFEs benefits include:

  • Classes are offered on weekday evenings (Monday - Thursday)
  • Courses meet once per week for three hours for five weeks.
  • Begin a course in any of the nine sessions offered per year.
  • LIFE is transfer-friendly. Well design a plan to guide you toward graduation.
  • Childcare reimbursement during class hours and tutoring available.
  • Quality education with student-centered instruction.
  • Personalized, face-to-face academic advising.

Here's What We Offer

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