About Southern AZ Community Church, Inc.
What We Believe
Teaching Grace
The chosen New Testament word for the whole fullness of the New Covenant and all that dwells in Christ Jesus for men!
We believe the entire Bible is the inspired, infallible, Word of God. 2Timothy 3:16
Although there are many translations of the Bible, we believe that the original texts, though written by men, were directly inspired by God. Furthermore, we believe that good doctrine and theology are found by examining these writings as a whole and always in proper context.
We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ and that He remained fully man and fully God during His earthly ministry. We also believe that in Him dwells the fullness of Deity. John 14:9 Colossians 2:9
We Believe Jesus paid the sin debt completely at Calvarys cross, and that it was a finished work. John 1:29
We believe salvation only comes from the born-again experience; through faith alone in Christ alone, by grace and grace alone. John 3:3 Ephesians 2:8&9
We believe Christs imputed righteousness comes to every true believer. 2Peter 1:1
We believe in the imminent, bodily, return of Jesus Christ. John 14:3
Here's What We Offer
We are committed to delivering our very best. Explore what we have to offer.
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