St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Tombstone, AZ

About St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Tombstone, AZ

St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Tombstone is the oldest Protestant Church in Arizona, an active part of a diverse community since 1882. Please visit us any time; we'd love to share our diverse history and welcome new Christian fellowship with open arms!

The Church is listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings. It is the only Gothic Revival adobe church in the world -- built of hand-formed, sun-dried 16" adobe bricks, covered with stucco against the monsoon rains.

The massive roof beams were brought by oxcart from the Chiricahua Mountains, 20 miles away. The overhead lamps came around Cape Horn on a sailing ship. Over the last ten years, we have restored the original Belgian stained-glass windows, installed a new roof, and beautiful new front doors.

Here's What We Offer

St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Tombstone, AZ is a proud part of

Southern Arizona Hispanic Business Marketplace

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