Goodwill of Central IL

About Goodwill of Central IL

Goodwill Industries of Central Illinois was founded in 1934 and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service.

We serve 21 counties within Central Illinois and operate retail stores in Peoria, East Peoria, Pekin, Peru, Washington, Canton, Galesburg, Kewanee, Macomb, and Morris.

We also operate attended donation centers in Peoria, Morton, and Minooka, Employment Services Center in Peoria, Galesburg and Pekin, and a veterans home in Peoria.

In addition, we have partnerships with Joliet Junior College, Spoon River College, Black Hawk College, and Illinois Valley Community College, which provide computer and job readiness training.

Goodwill Industries of Central Illinois employs more than 400 people.

All the proceeds from Goodwill stores go toward fulfilling our mission of supporting individuals and families who are working to better their lives.

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