About Three Rivers Electric Cooperative
Cooperative Formed to Make Rural Life Better
What did it take to make the cooperative a reality? According to the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), three farmers per mile of the line for 100 miles would have to agree to take service; each farmer would have to pay a $5.00 membership fee.
Three Rivers Electric Cooperative was formed on February 22, 1939, when the articles of incorporation were signed by 12 businessmen who wanted everyone in the central Missouri area to be able to have electricity. The men visited with friends and neighbors to explain what was needed to set up a rural electric cooperative. It was often a hard sell. Some thought electricity was a luxury, something they wouldnt use and couldnt afford. Some people accused the men of trying to scam them with highfaluting ideas that would never come to pass. With others it was a matter of economics they didnt have the $5.00 membership fee.
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