Red 27 Auto Repair (LVG)

About Red 27 Auto Repair (LVG)

Red 27 Auto Repair is ASE Certified to handle any auto or truck repair you may need. Louie V.'s many years of experience in general auto repair makes him a real pro and versatile in taking great care of your auto or truck repairs. Louie V. takes extra steps to ensure his customers get the very best deal on auto and truck repairs. Don't go to the "big guys" for repairs, keep your costs down by going with Red 27 Auto Repair who doesn't have lots of Corporate overhead to pay.

He has been in business for over 15 years independently and worked for other repair shops for another 10 years, so a total of 25 years of experience. He provides fair, honest quotes and doesn't upsell clients on repairs that are not needed. He is trustworthy and can usually take your car right away for repairs in a day or two, depending on the repairs needed and parts availability.

He is a true mechanic in every sense of the word and seeks only the best repairs for his clients. He is highly knowledgeable and will give you a fair price for his services. If your car is beyond its useful life, he may buy your car.

Here's What We Offer

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