Duarte Woman's Club

About Duarte Woman's Club

Duarte Womans Club is a Philanthropic Organization for Women who Live or Work in Duarte.

Duarte Womans Club (DWC) has been in existence since 1949. DWC is also a member of the San Gabriel Valley District Womans Club, California Federation of Womens Clubs, and the General Federation of Womens Clubs (GFWC). GFWC, founded in 1890, is one of the world's largest and oldest nonpartisan, nondenominational, women's volunteer service organizations.

Our objectives are:

Improve our Neighborhoods and City
Help where we find a need
Make friends, and have fun
ACTIVITIES. We serve as hostesses at several Civic Events such as the annual Route 66 Parade VIP Breakfast, Mayors Prayer Breakfast, Taste of Duarte, and Teen Movie events. We assist at various activities in connection with the Duarte Senior Center such as monthly Bunco and Fruit for Seniors. We assist Foothill Unity Center with their annual Back-to-School event and Christmas Angel donation. We assist the Duarte Historical Museum by serving as docents. We give annual scholarships to graduating Seniors from Duarte High School and Mt. Olive Innovation & Technology High School. Funds for these scholarships are earned through various fundraising activities such as the annual Duarte Picnic Hamburger Booth, Backyard Barbecue, Yearbook Ads and numerous unique yearly events. We also do social events for fun and information.

We meet on the first Thursday of the month from October through June at 4-6 p.m. at the Elks Lodge 2436 Huntington Drive, Duarte CA 91010. Exception: March, April, and June will be at the Duarte Community Center 1600 Huntington Drive Duarte, CA 91010.  The Club does not meet through the summer months.

Those wishing more information, or desiring to join Duarte Woman's Club, should contact the current
secretary, Ann Valleroy at antieann45@gmail.com.

Dedicated to helping our community for over 65 years

Website: www.DuarteWomansClub.org

Here's What We Offer

Duarte Woman's Club is a proud member of

Duarte Chamber of Commerce

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