About Santoro Education Lifeskills
What We do
Most people don't know what personal life skills are, but they do recognize when there are problems, many of which arise from a lack of these skills. There are three primary things that SELF does:
1. We ADVOCATE for quality personal life skill programs starting from birth and continuing through K-12 and beyond.
2. We EDUCATE through the content of our website, which includes simple sayings and tips, as well as our free Alive2Thrive curriculum, which teaches participants about personal life skills and how to apply these skills to their lives.
3. We INVEST in our children and community by providing our Hand-Up Tuition Assistance Program to help local hard-working families who are not on public assistance, but who need a little help to pay for quality early learning care for their pre-schoolers.
4. We also INVEST by providing scholarships for post-secondary education to high school students who complete our free Alive2Thrive program and learn how to apply personal life skills to their life.
Here's What We Offer
We are committed to delivering our very best. Explore what we have to offer.
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