About United Way of the Columbia Gorge
United Way of the Columbia Gorge
The GENEROSITY of Volunteers' Time.
The GIFT of Donors' Financial Contributions.
The POWER to Change Lives in the Columbia Gorge.
UNITED WAY of the COLUMBIA GORGE (UWCG) is a non-profit, local agency that supports non-profit human service programs in HOOD RIVER, WASCO, SHERMAN, KLICKITAT, and SKAMANIA Counties. Rather than supporting just one person or one charity, we unite individuals and combine resources to spread the funds across the entire Columbia Gorge-- providing a community safety net while also catalyzing community change. Although the United Way is a global enterprise, each United Way operates independently and uniquely. UWCG is governed by a local all-volunteer board and is powered by three local volunteer councils-one representing Hood River County, one representing Wasco/Sherman Counties, and one representing Klickitat/Skamania Counties. These three councils spend countless hours fundraising each year to generate community, corporate, and individual donor support for local programs that address local issues. These issues range from basic human needs-like food, safe shelter, and emergency assistance-to address other needs such as support for local Seniors, positive child and youth development, and affordable housing.
Here's What We Offer
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