Apache Industrial Holdings

About Apache Industrial Holdings

For over thirty years, Apache Industrial Services has met the needs of the petrochemical, industrial, and energy sectors by providing superior quality, service, and long-term value to our customers. Through our commitment to excellence in our work, a purposeful culture of safety, and the dedication and leadership of our expert craftsmen, Apache is a company that is doing it right.

The pride that our customers experience every day is a reflection of the importance we place on our people, whose actions serve as the backbone of our operations. They define who we are, drive performance, and ensure the highest degree of safety. No other company in this industry recruits, trains, and immerses its employees to become expert craftsmen like Apache Industrial Services.

Our drive to improve is inspired by our people, not a statistic. Through active engagement at all levels in the company, we capture the needs of each employee and verify that they understand how critical their role is in the collaborative success of our business.

By connecting each Apache Industrial Services Tribe member with the spirit of Apache Pride we create an environment where people aren’t simply encouraged to speak up and make a difference; they actually understand the importance of this expectation and show it through their actions. This translates into a cohesive workforce that will not let their team down and becomes infectious across any facility we are given the privilege to work in.

Here's What We Offer

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Houston Regional Veterans Chamber Marketplace

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