Peoria Unified School District

About Peoria Unified School District

Spanning much of the Northwest Valley, the Peoria Unified School District has a rich tradition of excellence, serving the community since 1889. The district is proud to celebrate its 125th year of educating students this year. We have a number of events planned throughout the 2014-15 school year to highlight the various ways our students and staff have positively impacted the community.

Peoria Unified is one of the largest unified school districts in Arizona and prides itself on excelling schools, award-winning teachers, high AIMS test scores, career and technical education programs, specialized Signature Programs and championship athletic programs.

The district serves more than 37,000 students in 34 elementary schools, seven high schools, and one non-traditional high school. In addition, Peoria Unified is proud to be the first district in the state to receive the prestigious AdvancED Accreditation.

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