SW Advisers

About SW Advisers

Autonomous Advantage

Dating back to 1989, SW Advisers is a partner-owned, independent financial planning firm focused on personal and business wealth management solutions across the Midwest. Our autonomous structure removes the top-down hurdles large corporate-owned advisory firms face by providing an environment for objectivity and truly personalized solutions. We work directly with and for our clients exclusively, not a corporate agenda.

Partnership for Success

We want to be on the same side of success as our clients. As Investment Advisers we take a fiduciary role putting advisory clients’ goals and best interests first! Our investment approach is designed to adapt to market turns and unpredictable economic circumstances; cookie-cutter portfolios don’t cut it in an ever-changing world. We utilize research from multiple internal and third-party sources to look at the markets from many angles. Our institutional exchange platform enables block trading across all advisory accounts (regardless of account size) with just a few clicks, so we can act fast and efficiently. Since we align our fee with an account value, as accounts rise or fall our profitability does the same. We are on the same team as our clients!

Here's What We Offer

SW Advisers is a proud part of

El Dorado Chamber of Commerce

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