The Vine Early Learning Center

About The Vine Early Learning Center

The Vine Early Learning Center


The Vine firmly stands on faith being the foundation of all we do.  We have chosen these principles to guide all we do.

We use developmentally appropriate materials and experiences to:

  • Inspire a love, respect, and excitement for God and His Word
  • Build connections in everyday life to Biblical truth.
  • Magnify their sense of wonder about their world through exposure to nature.
  • Grow a love for learning through play.

Christians for centuries have been at the forefront of serving others, through creating hospitals and universities, serving in communities in turmoil, and most of all seeking to serve children and families.

The Vine is just one extension of historical Christianity that seeks to serve others like Jesus Christ first served us. 

With your most precious little ones, we desire to inspire all children in our care to consider what God offers in the Good News of Jesus Christ, while always being considerate to people from all backgrounds.

Here's What We Offer

The Vine Early Learning Center is a proud member of

Angola Area Chamber of Commerce

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