Southern Woods Plantation

About Southern Woods Plantation

Where do you go hunting quail? The Bobwhite Belt of South Georgia, that's where. Hunting the Prince of Game Birds is a fine southern tradition and is part of our heritage here at Southern Woods Plantation. For this reason, a hunting experience with us is unlike any other. It's not merely our geography, it's our history that makes the difference.

Our many acres of natural pine trees which have existed in their current condition for 100 years make a perfect home for the indigenous Bobwhite Quails that live and breed on our land. Our guides walk this land with a love of nature and passion for the hunt. They walk the ground as though they were in their own backyard, knowing every covey by name.

To aid you in your hunt, Southern Woods Plantation offers specially designed four-person buggies. These buggies are ideal for shuttling hunters along with their gear and their guide. Its southern comfort and good hunting.

Here's What We Offer

Southern Woods Plantation is a proud member of

Sylvester-Worth County Chamber

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