Advertising Report


Display Case Search Engine Exposures Period Display Clicks All Votes Industry Average $2.41 ROI
American Lung Association 1,811 539 71 $1,298.99
Ark Christian Center 873 152 7 $366.32
Brickyard Gym 1,234 644 7 $1,552.04
California School Employees Assn 601 174 34 $419.34
Cali Girls Screenprinting 1,444 396 46 $954.36
Carriere Family Farms & Borges of California 921 676 2124 $1,629.16
Glenn County Business Association 1,212 391 40 $942.31
Monday Afternoon Club 786 207 36 $498.87
Museum Society of Willows 3,425 2,432 1200 $5,861.12
Omega Seed International 2,427 250 14 $602.50
Polit Farms, Inc. 1,057 317 43 $763.97
Primerica Advisors Representative 966 208 50 $501.28
Sierra Nevada Cheese Company 8,470 6,424 3487 $15,481.84
Titus Properties & Mgmt 13,628 8,938 3884 $21,540.58
White's Shooters Supply 1,307 235 35 $566.35
Willows Pediatrics 1,156 280 42 $674.80
Wrong Way Home Saloon 843 3,885 18 $9,362.85
TOTAL (17) 42,161 26,148 11,138 $63,016.68
AMCPB: 1,538.118 TOTAL: 26,148


  • Display Case - Name of business
  • Period Display Views - Member's total display views or exposures from their online display case
  • Period Display Clicks - This is an actual action by a human (not just an exposure) to learn more
  • All Votes - When a person visits an individual display they have the option (when feature turned on) to click that they like this display or service.
  • Conservative $0.25 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at a VERY conservative $0.25 vs buying an ad at $1.00 to $2.00 industry average. We find that these reports often offset the full cost of community membership within the first 12 months from the member's launch date.
  • Industry Average $2.41 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at an industry average of $2.41. (Wordstream 2024)

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