Advertising Reports


Display Case Search Engine Exposures Period Display Clicks All Votes Industry Average $2.41 ROI
Advisors IHC Specialty Benefits East Dallas / Lakewood 2,941 1,048 253 $2,525.68
Alexander A. Del Turco, CPA PLLC 3,026 1,103 30 $2,658.23
Baller Mom Meals 2,747 1,011 54 $2,436.51
Brookdale Lake Highlands Senior Living 3,000 942 24 $2,270.22
Callbox Storage 1,567 782 12 $1,884.62
City of Refuge Lake Highlands 1,832 298 26 $718.18
Clean Juice The Hill 969 272 37 $655.52
Community Impact Newspaper 2,430 653 22 $1,573.73
Davison Insurance 1,886 496 46 $1,195.36
Dean's Plumbing 2,635 1,113 245 $2,682.33
Deanna Boyd, Inc 1,390 643 20 $1,549.63
Deepwater Accounting Solutions Group 1,097 410 32 $988.10
Dexter Alexander Culbreath 3,029 887 244 $2,137.67
Dive West 1,435 306 27 $737.46
Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc. 1,096 611 26 $1,472.51
Edgewood Insurance Group 1,258 834 18 $2,009.94
Fireside Pies 1,530 502 20 $1,209.82
Gibb Insurance Agency 1,105 701 9 $1,689.41
Healing Humans Chiropractic + Wellness 1,958 634 153 $1,527.94
Hello Deluxe Car Wash 836 483 14 $1,164.03
Jazzercise Lake Highlands 1,561 422 45 $1,017.02
Lake Highlands Car Wash 1,598 482 43 $1,161.62
Liz Freethy, Realtor 1,581 153 9 $368.73
Logotology 1,683 401 31 $966.41
Maintenance Inc. 1,781 537 13 $1,294.17
Marble Slab Creamery/Great American Cookie 1,283 714 20 $1,720.74
Matt Smith Coaching 990 677 32 $1,631.57
Mosquito Shield of North Dallas 980 259 21 $624.19
Patrick Dunn : Photography 2,458 954 28 $2,299.14
Shell Shack 2,618 956 258 $2,303.96
Shoreview Flats 932 530 44 $1,277.30
Splash Pad Pool Builder 2,337 964 262 $2,323.24
Strouderosa BBQ 4,893 1,595 344 $3,843.95
Studio K Designs 2,489 816 27 $1,966.56
The B•A•R Group - Beth Arnold, Amy Timmerman and Robin Moss Norcross 1,198 471 95 $1,135.11
The Home Loan Whisperer 1,519 165 27 $397.65
The Landon At Lake Highlands 2,869 953 245 $2,296.73
The Only Facial 1,864 779 231 $1,877.39
The UPS Store #7278 1,242 327 47 $788.07
Truist 1,305 661 19 $1,593.01
Vector Brewing 2,708 831 59 $2,002.71
Weichert, Realtors - The Harrell Group 724 324 29 $780.84
White Rock TX Nutrition 2,242 926 239 $2,231.66
Wildcat Cleaners 1,559 694 23 $1,672.54
Willow Bend Mortgage 2,111 1,026 33 $2,472.66
Workout Anytime - Lake Highlands 978 234 12 $563.94
TOTAL (46) 85,270 30,580 3,548 $73,697.80
AMCPB: 664.783 TOTAL: 30,580


  • Display Case - Name of business
  • Period Display Views - Member's total display views or exposures from their online display case
  • Period Display Clicks - This is an actual action by a human (not just an exposure) to learn more
  • All Votes - When a person visits an individual display they have the option (when feature turned on) to click that they like this display or service.
  • Conservative $0.25 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at a VERY conservative $0.25 vs buying an ad at $1.00 to $2.00 industry average. We find that these reports often offset the full cost of community membership within the first 12 months from the member's launch date.
  • Industry Average $2.41 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at an industry average of $2.41. (Wordstream 2024)

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