Advertising Reports


Display Case Search Engine Exposures Period Display Clicks All Votes Industry Average $2.41 ROI
Ashley Pump & Irrigation 1,682 694 110 $1,672.54
Barnwood Barber Shop 74 26 2 $62.66
BBSI Inc. 1,658 668 84 $1,609.88
Belozer's Whitewater Fishing 695 346 58 $833.86
Canyon Rim Assisted Living 537 258 39 $621.78
Carbon Farms 830 350 64 $843.50
City of Antelope 883 361 68 $870.01
City of Maupin 1,604 580 81 $1,397.80
Coburn Electric 1,397 592 88 $1,426.72
Columbia River Affordable Portables 445 234 39 $563.94
Columbia River Prop. 1,437 581 83 $1,400.21
Corcoran Prime Real Estate 1,407 591 83 $1,424.31
Deschutes Angler Fly Shop 1,501 545 67 $1,313.45
Deschutes Rim Health Clinic 1,591 610 84 $1,470.10
Deschutes River Alliance 1,405 554 75 $1,335.14
Deschutes U-Boat 1,198 463 97 $1,115.83
Gorge Networks 1,428 521 79 $1,255.61
Honey Buns Coffeehouse & Bakery 684 326 45 $785.66
Imperial River Company 1,335 469 84 $1,130.29
LS Networks 466 253 51 $609.73
Maupin Coffee Company 1,541 551 78 $1,327.91
Maupin Community Church 1,785 619 63 $1,491.79
Maupin Country Store & Hardware 1,435 543 74 $1,308.63
Maupin Works 1,196 414 73 $997.74
MD Hunt Construction 1,468 597 98 $1,438.77
O'Connor Counseling Services and Alternatives, LLC 643 299 69 $720.59
Paul F. Sumner PC 793 310 58 $747.10
Pronace LLC 1,423 589 92 $1,419.49
RE:Vive Construction 502 287 63 $691.67
Richmond's Service 1,325 524 82 $1,262.84
River Drifters 1,211 493 74 $1,188.13
Rivermark Community Credit Union 1,860 787 118 $1,896.67
Sage Canyon River Company 1,182 472 77 $1,137.52
Shaniko Wool Company 1,509 578 81 $1,392.98
Southern Wasco County Ambulance Service 1,213 468 85 $1,127.88
South Wasco Alliance 1,202 490 74 $1,180.90
Stock Doctor 1,456 584 88 $1,407.44
Tenneson Engineering Corporation 1,303 528 76 $1,272.48
The Base Strength and Conditioning 326 167 22 $402.47
The Riverside 283 146 29 $351.86
Travel Oregon 417 249 47 $600.09
Wamic Rural Fire Protection District 433 266 42 $641.06
Wasco County Fairgrounds 420 256 47 $616.96
Wasco Electric Cooperative 1,457 619 88 $1,491.79
Wasco Realty 1,587 706 97 $1,701.46
Wasco Title Inc. 1,409 545 98 $1,313.45
Wheatland Insurance Center, Inc. 1,345 568 76 $1,368.88
TOTAL (47) 52,981 21,677 3,350 $52,241.57
AMCPB: 461.213 TOTAL: 21,677


  • Display Case - Name of business
  • Period Display Views - Member's total display views or exposures from their online display case
  • Period Display Clicks - This is an actual action by a human (not just an exposure) to learn more
  • All Votes - When a person visits an individual display they have the option (when feature turned on) to click that they like this display or service.
  • Conservative $0.25 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at a VERY conservative $0.25 vs buying an ad at $1.00 to $2.00 industry average. We find that these reports often offset the full cost of community membership within the first 12 months from the member's launch date.
  • Industry Average $2.41 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at an industry average of $2.41. (Wordstream 2024)

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