Advertising Report


Display Case Search Engine Exposures Period Display Clicks All Votes Industry Average $2.41 ROI
Abbey Creek Vineyard, LLC 33 0 0 $0.00
ALIGN PRECISION-North Plains, LLC 48 8 0 $19.28
Alpine Resources, LLC 33 0 0 $0.00
Andee McNabb Allstate Agency 55 4 0 $9.64
Assured Partners 19 1 0 $2.41
Christmas Mountain Choose & Cut 27 0 0 $0.00
City of North Plains 30 4 0 $9.64
Country Roads Guesthouse 18 0 0 $0.00
Cuppa Yo Frozen Yogurt 33 0 0 $0.00
Edward Jones Financial Services 31 0 0 $0.00
Five Brothers Concrete LLC 35 0 0 $0.00
Gina's Bookkeeping Service 16 0 0 $0.00
Gunsngrounds 14 0 0 $0.00
Happy Play, LLC 33 0 0 $0.00
Horning's Hideout, LLC 30 0 0 $0.00
Hoss Paving, Inc. 31 0 0 $0.00
Impact Sign Co. 36 0 0 $0.00
Jewett Cameron Companies 72 18 0 $43.38
Loch Lolly Christmas Forest, LLC 30 1 0 $2.41
McCoy Electric Co., Inc. 11 1 0 $2.41
Mountaindale Sun Resort 15 0 0 $0.00
News-Times 9 0 0 $0.00
Northern Oregon Fabrication LLC / dba Gratemaster 51 1 0 $2.41
North Plains Christian Church 44 0 0 $0.00
North Plains Events Association, Inc. 34 0 0 $0.00
North Plains Market & Liquor Store 43 10 0 $24.10
North Plains McDonald's 36 8 0 $19.28
North Plains Senior Center 19 0 0 $0.00
North Plains Senior Plaza, Inc. 17 0 0 $0.00
North Plains Veterinary Clinic, P.C. 60 20 0 $48.20
O'Leary Air LLC (O'Leary Enterprises, Inc.) 38 8 0 $19.28
Old Hichen' Post Restaurant 29 0 0 $0.00
Oregon-Canadian Forest Products, Inc. 37 9 0 $21.69
Oregon Coffee Roaster, Inc. 37 1 0 $2.41
Peak Chiropractic 29 0 0 $0.00
Portable Welding & More, Inc. 36 0 0 $0.00
Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club 30 1 0 $2.41
Roger Newton Real Estate 44 0 0 $0.00
Shadybrook Lumber Products, Inc. 28 0 0 $0.00
St. Edward Catholic Church 22 0 0 $0.00
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School 33 0 0 $0.00
Strom Manufacturing, Inc. 30 0 0 $0.00
Thackery Vineyards 22 7 0 $16.87
The Agency 36 2 0 $4.82
The Knodel Team, LLC / EXP Realty LLC 19 0 0 $0.00
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue #17 33 5 0 $12.05
Umpqua Bank 48 9 0 $21.69
Visitation Catholic School 26 2 0 $4.82
Willner Properties LLC 17 0 0 $0.00
TOTAL (49) 1,557 120 0 $289.20
AMCPB: 2.449 TOTAL: 120


  • Display Case - Name of business
  • Period Display Views - Member's total display views or exposures from their online display case
  • Period Display Clicks - This is an actual action by a human (not just an exposure) to learn more
  • All Votes - When a person visits an individual display they have the option (when feature turned on) to click that they like this display or service.
  • Conservative $0.25 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at a VERY conservative $0.25 vs buying an ad at $1.00 to $2.00 industry average. We find that these reports often offset the full cost of community membership within the first 12 months from the member's launch date.
  • Industry Average $2.41 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at an industry average of $2.41. (Wordstream 2024)

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