Practice Areas

Total Votes: 5 / Interest: 822

Practice Areas

Social Security laws are dense and difficult to interpret without experience. There have been many recent changes in disability law. Our attorneys are up-to-date on current disability laws, regulations, rulings, and Court cases. Our attorneys regularly attend numerous conferences on Social Security law conducted by the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) as well as read thoroughly each month the NOSSCR Forum and Social Security Reporting Service pamphlets, and review recent Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals decisions pertaining to disability law. We have presented at several Social Security disability seminars provided to New Mexico attorneys for continuing legal education.

Many people think that if their doctor says to apply or their doctor says they cannot work that they will win. That is generally not the case. We can assist you with getting the specific information needed from your provider about your functional limitations as a result of your medical conditions that will help prove your disability.

If you are a professional who treats or assists the disabled, we can share our expertise with your group or organization. You may have a client or patient who has a question about qualifying for disability and you want to help but you dont quite understand the process. Many providers want to help but struggle with answering questions or providing the information needed for a successful outcome. A statement that my patient is disabled, or my patient is unable to work is insufficient, since Social Security disability standards are very specific. We have years of experience working with local providers to obtain the information needed to document the functional limitations as a result of an individuals impairments. We offer free legal workshops tailored to meet the needs of your business. We can share our expertise with members of support groups, community organizations, or any medical or social service provider. Contact us to discuss ways we can help educate you to better serve your clients or patients.

There are several ways to file for disability benefits, by visiting a local Social Security office, by phone, or by submitting an application online. This is often a difficult process, with long waiting times at Social Security or problems completing the online forms which are time-sensitive and require that all information be completed or the claim could be rejected. To apply for disability, you need a significant amount of information about your medical conditions, work history, and functional limitations. At Martone Law Firm we offer the convenience of submitting an application online through our office with assistance from our experienced legal staff. By being involved in the initial application, we can ensure that Social Security has all the information needed to evaluate your claim and that your claim is being processed in a timely manner. We are available at every step to explain the process and educate you about your legal rights and options.

We are local and have the experience necessary to assist you every step of the way. Contact Martone Law Firm today for help with your claim for disability benefits. We work for you and want to provide excellent service. If at any time you are unhappy with our services, please notify us to resolve the problem. Most of our cases are referred to us from other New Mexico attorneys, medical providers, and former clients.


  • Practice Areas
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Claims
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Claims
  • Disabled Children
  • Initial Application
  • Appeals
  • Treating Sources
  • Medical Treatment
  • Estate Planning
  • Workshops for Professionals

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