Kids Cafe

Total Votes: 7 / Interest: 133

Utah Food Bank’s Kids Cafe is offered in partnership with educational after-school sites at local elementary schools, Boys & Girls Clubs, and community centers. Last year alone, this program provided 405,215 meals to children at risk of hunger. Kids Cafe meals provide the kind of nutrition that grows healthy, resilient bodies and minds. It helps fill the nutrition gap that often exists during out-of-school hours for many children who rely on free or reduced-price meal programs during the school day. The objectives of the program are twofold: first, to ensure that the children most vulnerable to hunger receive an evening meal, and second, to provide balanced nutrition in each meal served.

Last year, our Kids Cafe kitchen staff prepared an average of 1,559 meals each weekday. These meals were packed and transported to 89 sites where at least 50% of the children qualify for free or reduced-price school lunches. Participating sites offer not only a way to satiate hunger, but also a safe place where children can participate in educational, recreational, and social activities under the supervision of trustworthy staff.

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