Investment Management

Total Votes: 3 / Interest: 134

Traditional investment plans are built on the assumption that investors can stop thinking like humans and instead approach their portfolios with the rationality and precision of a machine. They base their recommendations on raw data, but while data is important, if it’s the only thing driving your investment plan, you might be set up for failure.

The truth is that investors are normal people with normal goals, normal feelings, and a perfectly normal, deeply rooted, need to stay secure. It’s impossible to only look at the numbers when creating a financial plan.

This is why Toberman Wealth focuses on a behavioral finance model when creating financial plans. Many of our clients come to us with fears around investing. They:

Worry about what happens if there’s another unexpected recession

Have a fear of missing out (FOMO) on the next “big thing” like cryptocurrency or a trending investment

Notice that they’re not doing the same thing their friends or colleagues are doing and don’t know who’s “right”

Keep making the same decisions that feel safe or familiar because they’re afraid of risk

As fiduciaries and investment advisors, it’s our job to also look at the behaviors and emotions driving our clients’ financial decisions, so we can better understand how they operate as individuals. Then, we’re able to reverse-engineer a financial strategy that not only supports their long-term goals, but also eases their fears.

At Toberman Wealth, we bring thoughtfulness and care to your strategic financial plan.

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