Ear Candling

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 Ear Candling, or Ear Coning, is an ancient therapy method used by the indigenous peoples of Egypt, North America, and Europe. The process was developed to help the body naturally deal with blockages in the ears. The ear “candles” are made by dipping cotton muslin in 100% pure beeswax, then rolling the cloth into a long cone. It is open at both ends, with one end small enough to fit into the ear, or into a safety device (my method), which then goes into the ear. The part of the cone that is farthest from the ear is lit. As the candle burns, gentle heat is drawn into the ear canal. This softens the earwax enough so that the body can naturally dispose of it through the lymphatic system. The process also loosens and softens dust and dead skin cells, which are then collected into the remaining unburned portion of the candle. The heat of the flame helps the body to naturally process or express any excess material in it.
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