
Total Votes: 2 / Interest: 71

Embark on the transformative journey of entrepreneurship with IncubateHer, a cutting-edge program meticulously crafted to guide individuals through the early stages of small business development. Our comprehensive approach encompasses a variety of classes, from job training to business activation, offering the resources and support necessary to turn entrepreneurial aspirations into tangible achievements.

Experience the flexibility of our hybrid classes, seamlessly blending in-person and online sessions. The program spans five weeks, with the first and last classes fostering a collaborative atmosphere in person, while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th classes provide the convenience of online engagement.

Delve into the heart of IncubateHer, an inquiry-driven initiative that integrates proven business development processes, design thinking, and lean startup methodologies. The program is delivered in five weekly sessions, available in both Spanish and English, ensuring accessibility for a diverse range of participants. As a valuable bonus, each participant receives a bilingual "pocket guide" designed to aid in the effective validation of business ideas.

Don't miss the opportunity to register for the interview process and become a candidate in this empowering program. Join us as we nurture the seeds of entrepreneurship and guide you toward the realization of your business goals.

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