The Morton Memorial Plaza is located in downtown Morton at 300 S. Main Street. The Plaza is a beautiful addition to the Village; it is a location where one can relax and soak up the sites of downtown. There is a small children’s play area, tables and benches for small gatherings, and a public restroom. The Plaza is utilized for events during the year and provides free wireless internet.
Individuals and groups may utilize the Plaza for an event. A registration form is required and allowable uses are specified in the Village of Morton Municipal Code, Section 8, Chapter 17. The registration form, which can be accessed through the link below, is to be completed and returned to the Village Hall at 120 N. Main Street at least 10 days prior to the event. Reserving the Plaza does not exclude its use to others, and is on a “first-come, first-serve” basis.
A deposit of $250 is required at the time of application. This deposit is refundable if no maintenance or repairs are required following an event. Proof of insurance is also required but can be waived for individuals wanting to use the Plaza for a small event.
If you are interested in this item and have some questions, feel free send an inquiry.
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