Health Technology

Total Votes: 6 / Interest: 226

TekSynap capabilities span a broad range of IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare. The TekSynap team engineered an enterprise wireless deployment in 330 Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and large medical facilities using advanced technologies and design solutions to integrate medical devices and health mission systems, improving patient care through device mobility across multiple locations, maximizing availability of resources to patients. The VAs deployment is the largest installation of wireless technology in support of a healthcare environment in the world. We have supported the modernization of Electronic Health Record and Health Care Management systems through our system development support for SOA modernization of the VistA environment and Medical Billing system through our support for ICD-9 to ICD-10 classification system migration. We provide Research & Development support for mobile health applications through our development of the iTox application demonstrating how health practitioners can leverage technology to improve patient care.

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