- How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?
You have made it to retirement, or perhaps you are just counting down the days until you retire. You have got money put away, but need to know how long it will last. There are key factors that will determine that, including your monthly spending and other sources of income. The rate of return on your outstanding savings balance, the taxes you pay on withdrawals and the impact inflation has on your required monthly spending will all have a significant impact as well. - 401(k) Calculator
A 401(k) account available through your employer is one of the best methods for building retirement savings. There are two key advantages. First, any contributions made to your 401(k) now are tax-deferred, so each year's total taxable income will be lower. Second, some employers provide 401(k) match programs where they contribute to your 401(k) account. Depending on the program, employer contributions can range from 0% to 100% of your contributions.
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