Cost Segregation

Engineering-based cost segregation studies permit commercial real estate owners to reclassify real property for depreciation purposes and reclassify it as more rapidly depreciating personal property. This reclassification results in significant cash flow benefits in both present and future years through considerably shorter depreciation tax life and accelerated depreciation methods. Note, that these studies are not limited to new buildings or new renovations.

Over 75% of our projects are on older properties using the "catch up" method which can produce significant results. Although some building owners and CPAs have substantial experience with Cost Segregation, most do not. Countless building owners are missing out on this powerful tax savings strategy. To facilitate this work we do an initial consultation and develop a feasibility report to determine the cash flow and net present value (NPV) benefits potential. Our professionals evaluate your current tax status and your future business plans along with your CPA to determine if a full study would be of benefit.

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