Mergers & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Divestitures, IPOs& Exits

Conduit Consulting® professionals discreetly advise on and manage a wide array of domestic and cross-border corporate transactions; often from conception through implementation. We represent buy-side & sell-side clients of all sizes and operating in diverse industries. By combining our operating, management and deal-making expertise, we get deals closed by conceiving strategies and terms that parties agree to adopt.

Conduit Consulting’s® deal and management expertise accelerates our clients' deal process and expedites transfer. Our buy-side approach bolsters clients’ ability to secure favorable rates on raw materials, components and services in addition to acquire targets with no or little competition. Similarly, our sell-side approach not only aids engaging desirable buyers capable of completing transaction, but also fosters deal-making without word leaking out when representing clients contemplating sale of assets or entire enterprise that wish to stealthfully explore alternatives. These and other aspects of our strategic deal-making approach mitigate many transaction risks.

Additionally, Conduit Consulting® is often called upon to perform due diligence then renegotiate terms to stop the hemorrhaging from previously agreed ill-conceived and/or poorly structured transactions, recoup investment, and, if possible, turnaround the situation to make it profitable.

Our founder/CEO and Managing Director, Corporate Development & Strategy practice Jillian Alexander has led more than 50 M&A, Joint Venture, IPO, and private placement transactions. When leading or managing corporate transactions, her role includes collaborating and coordinating with Investment Bankers, Attorneys, Auditors, Tax Accountants and other experts on clients behalf; but also managing the transition and business transformation. She has completed corporate transactions ranging from $1.0MM to $2.2B. Contributed to raising over $3.2 billion.

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