Evolving w/a Shift 7 Day E-Course

Evolving with a Shift incorporates simple joyful practices that you can include in your daily life.
Are you ready to have fun while taking a shift?
Are you ready to reclaim YOUR JOY by creating joyful practices that will leave you feeling liberated and empowered?
Are you ready to have fun in your life?
If you are reading this and responded, "OH YES! I AM READY!", then get ready to evolve with a Shift!
Permit yourself TO PAUSE & PLAY!
These simple 7 practices allow you to add more joy to your life while removing the feelings of overwhelm and stress.
Give yourself PERMISSION to dance, laugh, and connect to the things that make you smile!
Maricela Rios LLC is a proud member of

National WBC Network (NWBCN)

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