1 LB ... This homemade vanilla marshmallow is like nothing you have ever tasted before, all rolled up in my buttery soft karamel just like your grandma used to make. Named after a truck-driver friend of mine ... (ra)
- Ameritto Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Apple Fritter Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Banana Cream Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Banana Cream Rusty Wheels Dipped In Milk Chocolate (RA)
- Birthday Cake Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Black Licorice Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Blueberry Cheesecake Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Blueberry Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Butter Rum Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Buttery Vanilla Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Buttery Vanilla Rusty Wheels Hand Dipped In Milk Chocolate (RA)
- Candy Corn Rusty Wheels Hand Dipped In Milk Chocolate (RA)
- Cheesecake Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cherry Cheesecake Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cherry Cream Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cherry Cream Rusty Wheels Hand Dipped In Milk Chocolate (RA)
- Chocolate Cream Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Chocolate Ganache Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cinnabun Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cinnamon Apple Pie Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cinnamon Stick Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Coconut Cream Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Coffee & Cream Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cola Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Cotton Candy Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Dill Pickle Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Dirty Coke Rusty Wheels (RA) & Bejamin The Donut Critic
- Donut Maple Bacon Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Eggnog Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Ghost Pepper Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Ginger Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Grape Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Horchata Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Hot Cinnamon Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Jalapeño Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Karamel Apple Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Lemon Cream Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Mango Habanero Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Mango Rusty Wheels (RA)
- Maple Bacon Rusty Wheels (RA)
If you are interested in this item and have some questions, feel free send an inquiry.
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