AIR: We can help you navigate the challenges of air quality services including permitting, compliance, enforcement negotiations, and reporting.
ACOUSTICS: We provide site-specific acoustic monitoring and analysis that incorporates design recommendations to avoid or mitigate noise impacts to both human and ecological receptors.
NewFields offers the following air support services:
- Compliance Assessments
- Chemometrics
- Deposition and Transport
- Synthetic Minor Determinations
- Environmental Justice Recommendations
- Emission Inventory Development
- Auditing
- Mathematical Dispersion Auditing
- Federal and Local Air Toxics Assessments
- PSD and Non-Attainment Review, Including Offset Analysis
We offer both in-air and underwater noise monitoring, modeling, and detailed analysis for a wide range of projects across all market sectors, including the following:
- Review of Applicable Noise Regulations
- Collection of Ambient Data (Baseline Sound Survey)
- Modeling Acoustic Levels
- Mapping Acoustic Contours
- Designing Mitigation Alternatives
- Short-term and Long-term Monitoring
If you are interested in this item and have some questions, feel free send an inquiry.
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