We understand that “growth monitoring and modification” may sound intimidating. But it simply refers to the close attention provided by our orthodontists to the development of your child’s dental structures. If you would like to learn more about dentofacial orthopedics in Pleasant Grove, Spanish Fork, Saratoga Springs, and Vineyard, Utah, call Peak Orthodontics at 801-477-7325 or visit our office today!
Dentofacial orthopedics is a type of orthodontic treatment focused on the control and modification of facial growth. Dentofacial orthopedic treatment works to normalize the growth of bone structure and repair the related imbalances of the face and jaws.
Children are the best candidates for dentofacial orthopedics, as their bones and jaws are still growing and can be more easily guided into their proper positions. Dentofacial orthopedics for children often involves two phases of treatment, the first of which begins at about age 7. During this stage, our orthodontists will use treatments designed to correct jaw growth and ensure proper jaw alignment. In the second stage of treatment, braces or other treatments are used to straighten misaligned teeth.
Dentofacial orthopedics can also benefit adults, but the treatment process may involve surgery. The bones in an adult have long since stopped growing and hardened, making it more difficult to adjust bite, and straighten your teeth. Jaw surgery may be required to achieve a proper jaw alignment and bite before you can straighten your teeth.
Please call our office today to schedule your consultation with our experienced orthodontists and learn if dentofacial orthopedics is right for you or your child!
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