Your vehicle’s air conditioning system cools, purifies, and circulates air throughout the vehicle to promote a comfortable cabin environment and prevent driver fatigue.
The air conditioning system operates in a continuous cycle, sending refrigerant through a sealed system to remove hot air from the cabin compartment.
As the refrigerant flows through the air conditioning system, it is turned from a hot gas into a liquid, which is then cooled, turned into a gas again, and vaporized in order to absorb heat from the cabin.
At the end of the cycle, the cool air is blown into the cabin. This process is made possible by the drive belt, which drives the compressor, the main component of the air conditioning system.
The compressor works in concert with the condenser, evaporator, and other parts.
If any of these components cease to operate efficiently, the functionality of the entire system is at risk.
When the performance of your vehicle’s air conditioning diminishes, allow us to identify and solve the issue through an AC diagnostic.
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