
The EnviroWatts Program is offered to LaGrange County REMC members in conjunction with our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power. The program is strictly voluntary and gives members the opportunity to purchase ‘green’ energy generated from renewable, environmentally preferred sources.

EnviroWatts are sold to residential members at the rate of 1 cent for the first 500 kWh used each month. This is a maximum of $5 per month. If only 300 kWhs are used, it will cost only $3 that month for the EnviroWatts.

If you would like to sign up to purchase your first 500 kWhs from an environmentally preferred source, please fill out this form and mail it to our office.

EnviroWatts Applications

This money is set aside for non-profit, service organizations for environmentally friendly projects that benefit LaGrange County. Projects that could be funded by EnviroWatts grants:

  • Develop renewable energy sources and resources
  • Reduce energy use
  • Improve water quality of rivers, streams, and underground aquifers
  • Improve air quality in the local area
  • Enhance species diversity
  • Create or restore habitat for wildlife
  • Plant trees or native plants
  • Encourage recycling
  • Educate individuals about the safe disposal of waste, especially hazardous/ chemical waste
  • Educate the public on local environmental issues

Applications for funding from the LaGrange County REMC EnviroWatts program can be turned into our office at 1995 E US Highway 20, LaGrange, Indiana 46761.

LaGrange County REMC will make the funding decision(s) as applications come in. 

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