Donate an Artifact

Total Votes: 0 / Interest: 217

Interested in donating an artifact or photograph to the Museum? Here are a few things to consider:

    Is it related to the history of Sutter County? (A caveat to this is that we can't tell the story of Sutter County without including information on Yuba County, so we consider those items as well.)
    What condition is the item in? Please do not paint or restore items before offering them to the Museum. Items in original condition are preferable. On the other hand, if the item is badly damaged, so rusted that you can't tell what it is, or would pose a safety hazard to staff or visitors, we will probably decline.
    How large is the item? Unfortunately, we do not have the storage capacity for many large items.

If you are unsure, please contact us!

Please note: the Museum does not purchase items for our collection. Also, we cannot help you to determine the monetary value of your items.

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