
Back and Neck Pain

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
Car accident, Slip an fall, injury at work. You may not need surgery or costly medication. Our goal is to teach you how to manage your musculoskeletal injuries on your own in as few treatment sessions as possible. We are proud to serve the,...

Shockwave Therapy

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
Also Known As Radial Pressure Wave Therapy. Shockwave therapy is a treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to send high-energy waves into the target area to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. At the most basic level,...

Free Consultation

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
We value being a community partner in health, that’s why you’re always welcome to stop by for a FREE consultation. Whether you have been dealing with joint pain for years or you tweaked your knee over the weekend, it can be hard to know what to...

Post Surgical Rehab

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
Life after surgery doesn’t need to be hard. Our therapists are trained to help you regain strength and mobility following a surgery. Not only does physical therapy assist in recovery, but we will provide you with the best way to care for...

Prenatal Care and Postpartum Pain

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
You shouldn’t have to expect pain while you’re expecting. Physical therapy, including manual therapy and dry needling, can reduce pain in the low back, hips and SI joint during and after pregnancy. Both of our clinics have specialty maternity...

Sports Injuries

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a key part of your recovery from many types of injury and dysfunction. Current Physical Therapy specializes in increasing strength, flexibility and range of motion to help you reach your health and activity goals, We are...

Dry Needling

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular, and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement...

Grade 4 Laser Therapy

Offered by Current Physical Therapy
Laser therapy is a medical treatment that uses focused light to stimulate a process called photobiomodulation (PBM). During PBM, Photons enter the tissue and interact with the cytochrome c complex within mitochondria. This interaction triggers...