

Offered by Vista Real Charter High School
Our exclusive partnerships with federally funded WIOA partners provide Universal Workforce Development Training to all students. For students up to 24 years of age, we are an exclusive partner of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity...

Career Technical Education

Offered by Vista Real Charter High School
Learn hands-on skills while earning high school credit. CTE pathways give students a jump-start on their future with the mastery of in-demand skills. Students move from introductory courses to concentrated courses. They learn technical,...

Trauma Informed Education

Offered by Vista Real Charter High School
Trauma-Informed Education Taken to the Next Level Trauma in our youth is an epidemic. Causes range from living in an abusive home, poverty, and teen pregnancy to bullying, unstable foster care, and homelessness. These all-too-common...

Summer Enrollment

Offered by Vista Real Charter High School
Catch up or get ahead with personalized learning over the summer. Completely free. We offer a FREE summer enrollment program that allows students to catch up on missing credits or get a head start next school year. Our free...


Offered by Vista Real Charter High School
Students find HOPE in Learn4Lifes Helping Our Parenting Teens Excel program. Learn4Life created HOPE Helping Our Parenting-students Excel to provide mentorship and support to high school students who are teen parents. Student teen...