Welcome To

Watershed Conservation Authority

The WatershedConservationAuthority.org website is dedicated to promoting the preservation of clean water sources, our environment as well as products that keep water safe in our homes.

The goal with this website is to educate people on social media about the challenges facing us around water conservation and access to clean water around the world. In our current paradigm, we seem to believe that there is an unlimited amount of water available to us. We want to educate folks that if we continue as we are, there will be no clean water left for our grand children.

We will seek to promote stories of companies that are abusing our water and the politicians that kill regulations that allow them to do it. Remember, this earth needs to last hundreds of of generations in the future, no amount of corporate profits now is worth the price our descendants will pay.

Established in 2003, the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) is a local public entity of the State of California exercising joint powers of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District. The WCA is funded primarily by grants and receives limited funding from JPA Partner contributions and lease revenues for operational expenses.

The WatershedConservationAuthority.org website is dedicated to promoting the preservation of clean water sources, our environment as well as products that keep water safe in our homes.

The goal with this website is to educate people on social media about the challenges facing us around water conservation and access to clean water around the world. In our current paradigm, we seem to believe that there is an unlimited amount of water available to us. We want to educate folks that if we continue as we are, there will be no clean water left for our grand children.

We will seek to promote stories of companies that are abusing our water and the politicians that kill regulations that allow them to do it. Remember, this earth needs to last hundreds of of generations in the future, no amount of corporate profits now is worth the price our descendants will pay.

Established in 2003, the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) is a local public entity of the State of California exercising joint powers of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District. The WCA is funded primarily by grants and receives limited funding from JPA Partner contributions and lease revenues for operational expenses.

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