Welcome To

Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3

Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3

Welcome to Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3, serving the vibrant and diverse communities within a 68-square-mile area southeast of Decatur, Illinois. Our district encompasses the Village of Mt. Zion with a population of approximately 5,000, and extends to serve over 14,000 residents in the surrounding area. As part of Macon County, our community is deeply rooted in agriculture, with expansive grain farming of corn, soybeans, wheat, and oats. Strategically located near major urban centers, Mt. Zion is within a short commute by air from Decatur Airport to major airports, providing convenient access to Chicago, St. Louis, and Indianapolis.

Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3 prides itself on delivering high-quality education to approximately 2,450 students from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. With a dedicated team of 150 certified staff and 110 educational support staff, our district includes two elementary schools, an intermediate school, a junior high, and a senior high school. Our schools are known for their strong emphasis on technology, featuring a WAN with a fiber optic backbone and wireless laptop labs. We offer a comprehensive curriculum designed to challenge and engage students at every level, including advanced placement courses, gifted programs, and a wide variety of extracurricular activities. Our award-winning music and vocational programs further enhance the educational experience, ensuring our students are well-prepared for both college and career pathways.

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About Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3

Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3

Welcome to Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3, serving the vibrant and diverse communities within a 68-square-mile area southeast of Decatur, Illinois. Our district encompasses the Village of Mt. Zion with a population of approximately 5,000, and extends to serve over 14,000 residents in the surrounding area. As part of Macon County, our community is deeply rooted in agriculture, with expansive grain farming of corn, soybeans, wheat, and oats. Strategically located near major urban centers, Mt. Zion is within a short commute by air from Decatur Airport to major airports, providing convenient access to Chicago, St. Louis, and Indianapolis.

Mt. Zion Community Unit School District #3 prides itself on delivering high-quality education to approximately 2,450 students from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. With a dedicated team of 150 certified staff and 110 educational support staff, our district includes two elementary schools, an intermediate school, a junior high, and a senior high school. Our schools are known for their strong emphasis on technology, featuring a WAN with a fiber optic backbone and wireless laptop labs. We offer a comprehensive curriculum designed to challenge and engage students at every level, including advanced placement courses, gifted programs, and a wide variety of extracurricular activities. Our award-winning music and vocational programs further enhance the educational experience, ensuring our students are well-prepared for both college and career pathways.