Welcome To

Score Las Vegas

We offer Free and Confidential business advice, mentoring, and information. Approximately 50 volunteer business mentors belong to the SCORE Las Vegas Chapter. SCORE, the nation’s largest volunteer business mentoring service, is a nonprofit association dedicated to providing mentoring to individuals in business, or to those thinking about starting a business. Founded in 1964, SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration. SCORE Las Vegas is one of over 300 chapters of the National SCORE Organization, a nationwide, non-profit, volunteer-based group of both retired and active professionals who are dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth, and success of the nation’s small businesses. We offer Free and Confidential business advice, mentoring, and information. Approximately 50 volunteer business mentors belong to the SCORE Las Vegas Chapter.

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The Demo Pippily Business Platform

Henderson Chamber of Commerce

About Score Las Vegas

We offer Free and Confidential business advice, mentoring, and information. Approximately 50 volunteer business mentors belong to the SCORE Las Vegas Chapter.

SCORE, the nation’s largest volunteer business mentoring service, is a nonprofit association dedicated to providing mentoring to individuals in business, or to those thinking about starting a business. Founded in 1964, SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

SCORE Las Vegas is one of over 300 chapters of the National SCORE Organization, a nationwide, non-profit, volunteer-based group of both retired and active professionals who are dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth, and success of the nation’s small businesses. We offer Free and Confidential business advice, mentoring, and information. Approximately 50 volunteer business mentors belong to the SCORE Las Vegas Chapter.