Welcome To

Green Valley Fire District

Established in 1975, the Green Valley Fire District provides a wide variety of protection and emergency services to a suburban and rural area of more than 35,000 constituents.

Originally serving a primarily senior population, the GVFDs 45 square mile area now encompasses a more diverse population that includes young professionals and families, within Green Valley, portions of the Town of Sahuarita.

The District is governed by five publicly elected officials. GVFD operates out of 4 stations covering both residential and commercial areas and maintains optimum response times.

GVFD enjoys a good relationship with its District residents, established over many years through effective, highly responsive services and community interaction which has developed into mutual respect.

Pest removal, smoke detector checks, educational programs for adults and children, the Fire Corps program, CERT training, and participation in local community events are all part of the Districts significant non-emergency role in the community.

Established in 1975, the Green Valley Fire District provides a wide variety of protection and emergency services to a suburban and rural area of more than 35,000 constituents.

Originally serving a primarily senior population, the GVFDs 45 square mile area now encompasses a more diverse population that includes young professionals and families, within Green Valley, portions of the Town of Sahuarita.

The District is governed by five publicly elected officials. GVFD operates out of 4 stations covering both residential and commercial areas and maintains optimum response times.

GVFD enjoys a good relationship with its District residents, established over many years through effective, highly responsive services and community interaction which has developed into mutual respect.

Pest removal, smoke detector checks, educational programs for adults and children, the Fire Corps program, CERT training, and participation in local community events are all part of the Districts significant non-emergency role in the community.

The Demo Pippily Business Platform

Green Valley Sahuarita Chamber Market