Welcome To

Baby Galileo PreSchool & Daycare LLC

The Sky Is The Limit

At The Galileo Preschool & Daycare, your child will be supported in excelling to the upper bounds of their abilities. We offer an intimate, personalized, safe, setting where your little one develops their physical, emotional, and intellectual senses at their pace. Our program offers parents the opportunity to be part of a close-knit community where parental participation and growth are encouraged.

Our Philosophy

Based on the behaviorist model, our program is built on the idea that children learn best in a structured environment. We carefully present all material and reward learning, developing self-esteem as children gain cognitive competence.

Program Goals

Through the course of our program, we provide optimal social and emotional growth for your child while developing physical and intellectual skills. Based on the interest of your child, our staff also promotes feelings of confidence and success through a wide range of age-appropriate activities and opportunities. We strive to build strong learning programs with science, math, music, and technology as the primary cornerstones. Finally, our program offers you the flexibility you need to balance the demands of family, professional, and personal affairs.

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About Baby Galileo PreSchool & Daycare LLC

The Sky Is The Limit

At The Galileo Preschool & Daycare, your child will be supported in excelling to the upper bounds of their abilities. We offer an intimate, personalized, safe, setting where your little one develops their physical, emotional, and intellectual senses at their pace. Our program offers parents the opportunity to be part of a close-knit community where parental participation and growth are encouraged.

Our Philosophy

Based on the behaviorist model, our program is built on the idea that children learn best in a structured environment. We carefully present all material and reward learning, developing self-esteem as children gain cognitive competence.

Program Goals

Through the course of our program, we provide optimal social and emotional growth for your child while developing physical and intellectual skills. Based on the interest of your child, our staff also promotes feelings of confidence and success through a wide range of age-appropriate activities and opportunities. We strive to build strong learning programs with science, math, music, and technology as the primary cornerstones. Finally, our program offers you the flexibility you need to balance the demands of family, professional, and personal affairs.