Welcome To

John Hancock Charter School

At JHCS, we provide students with a challenging curriculum in the cultural and fine arts, social sciences, and natural sciences. We seek to instill a love of learning in all students and prepare them for a lifetime of achievement and enjoyment. A number of factors set us apart from other schools in the area Experience: We have an approved charter from the Utah State Office of Education and opened our doors in 2002, making us one of the most experienced charter schools in Utah. Our Board of Directors has diverse backgrounds and talents, and the core of the board has been with the school for over 15 years. We have high-quality teachers who seek out professional development and personal improvement, and we were recognized by USCB for the high teacher retention rate. Our teachers are often presenters at state and national conferences including National Core Knowledge Conference, SDE Differentiated Instruction Conference, Utah Charter Network Symposium, UCET Conference, and State English Language Arts trainers.

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About John Hancock Charter School

At JHCS, we provide students with a challenging curriculum in the cultural and fine arts, social sciences, and natural sciences. We seek to instill a love of learning in all students and prepare them for a lifetime of achievement and enjoyment.
A number of factors set us apart from other schools in the area

We have an approved charter from the Utah State Office of Education and opened our doors in 2002, making us one of the most experienced charter schools in Utah. Our Board of Directors has diverse backgrounds and talents, and the core of the board has been with the school for over 15 years. We have high-quality teachers who seek out professional development and personal improvement, and we were recognized by USCB for the high teacher retention rate. Our teachers are often presenters at state and national conferences including National Core Knowledge Conference, SDE Differentiated Instruction Conference, Utah Charter Network Symposium, UCET Conference, and State English Language Arts trainers.