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Alex Marshall Coaching LLC

I'm not your average nutrition coach.

To put things lightly, I'm sick and tired of seeing sketchy diet plans (and coaches), templates, and apps completely wreck your health, all under the guise of losing weight or getting "toned." Meanwhile, your hormones, metabolism, confidence, and relationship to food are in a downward spiral.

How am I "not your average coach"? Well, I don't do blanket 1,200-calorie diets, shame-based coaching, restriction, or client rosters in the triple digits - which is what sets me and my company apart. I proudly take a compassion-first, individualized, and "baby steps" approach with my clients.

I and my team do not weight loss experts, nor is that the focus of our coaching - instead, we help you build the confidence to know that you CAN and SHOULD take up space and get strong as hell. That you deserve to eat the foods you love without guilt or shame. That you are capable of doing the hard shit. And that it's possible to break free from chronic dieting, and experience true food freedom.

I can't promise that this journey will be easy. It will take effort, and it will take time. But it will be so, so worth it. You deserve to feel your best, so what are you waiting for?

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About Alex Marshall Coaching LLC

I'm not your average nutrition coach.

To put things lightly, I'm sick and tired of seeing sketchy diet plans (and coaches), templates, and apps completely wreck your health, all under the guise of losing weight or getting "toned." Meanwhile, your hormones, metabolism, confidence, and relationship to food are in a downward spiral.

How am I "not your average coach"? Well, I don't do blanket 1,200-calorie diets, shame-based coaching, restriction, or client rosters in the triple digits - which is what sets me and my company apart. I proudly take a compassion-first, individualized, and "baby steps" approach with my clients.

I and my team do not weight loss experts, nor is that the focus of our coaching - instead, we help you build the confidence to know that you CAN and SHOULD take up space and get strong as hell. That you deserve to eat the foods you love without guilt or shame. That you are capable of doing the hard shit. And that it's possible to break free from chronic dieting, and experience true food freedom.

I can't promise that this journey will be easy. It will take effort, and it will take time. But it will be so, so worth it. You deserve to feel your best, so what are you waiting for?