Join us by becoming a member and enjoy member-only benefits, or get involved by volunteering. There are many opportunities for volunteering at Gateway including working on props, volunteering for ticket taking, setting up for events, and more.
Member-Only Perks:
Member’s discount on gift shop items
Member’s discount on classes for youth and adults
Gateway Center for the Arts electronic newsletters/brochures
Opportunities to exhibit
Member’s rate for studio privileges
Informational lectures in the arts
Hands-on demonstrations
Social activities and field trips
Opportunity to participate and volunteer in community events
Community service hours for teen scholarship programs
Gateway Phoenix Group
Gateway Photography Group
Gateway Performing Arts for Youth and Adult
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Anything You Want Volunteers!
If you have any time on your hands, we have positions for everything. During our concerts, theater shows, Bingo/Bunco events, gallery receptions, gift shop volunteers, etc. We welcome any volunteering that you are willing to give!
Wanted: All Handymen or Handy women!
Anyone that enjoys helping with yard work, organizing, and anything that helps keep the facility in good condition is welcome! If you are interested in housekeeping or yard work, contact the GCA to put your name on the list. You will soon be contacted for a team meeting. It is not necessary to be a GCA member in order to help.
The GCA receptionists are responsible for answering phones and questions, having a visitor sign the guest book, and assisting with light office work. If you are interested in a reception position, contact Marianne Ruggles. We are always looking for new volunteers, either as regulars or as substitutes, who can fill in for people going on vacations. If you would like to volunteer as a receptionist, please call the GCA at 386-668-5553, or stop by and fill out a volunteer application. We need you!
If you are interested in this item and have some questions, feel free send an inquiry.
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